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    Atlas 370 ml to 63

    Offerte anfordern
    Mouthpiece:Caps.twist 63
    Volume (ml):370
    Weight (gr):195
    Diameter (mm):48
    Height (mm):131
    Width (mm):70
    Pieces per box :2048

    Atlas 212 ml to 58

    Offerte anfordern

    Atlas 446 ml to 63

    Offerte anfordern
    Mouthpiece:Caps.twist 63
    Volume (ml):446
    Weight (gr):220
    Diameter (mm):49
    Height (mm):145
    Width (mm):75
    Pieces per box :1575

    Atlas 106 ml

    Offerte anfordern
    Mouthpiece:Caps.twist 48
    Volume (ml):106
    Weight (gr):90
    Diameter (mm):0
    Height (mm):85
    Width (mm):50
    Pieces per box (minimum order 1 package):10013

    Atlas 720 ml to 77

    Offerte anfordern
    Mouthpiece:Caps.twist 77
    Volume (ml):720
    Weight (gr):325
    Diameter (mm):62
    Height (mm):162
    Width (mm):88
    Pieces per box :1092+936

    Atlas 850 ml

    Offerte anfordern
    Mouthpiece:Caps.twist 82
    Volume (ml):850
    Weight (gr):415
    Diameter (mm):66
    Height (mm):179
    Width (mm):91
    Pieces per box (minimum order 1 package):1620
